When it comes to construction materials, concrete outperforms wood in just about any area you can think of. At Fuller Concrete Staining, we respect whatever choices a builder or homeowner makes, but after years of staining and sealing concrete, we can easily say that it is an exceptional construction material for both residential and commercial needs.
Keep reading to find out how we came to this conclusion. If you need help with concrete sealing and / or concrete staining, turn to Fuller Concrete Staining at 310-944-9099 for a free quote.
Concrete is extremely durable
One of the biggest advantages of concrete over wood – and really any other building material – is the fact that it is so durable. In fact, it actually gets stronger as time goes on. The fact that concrete can last as long as a century with no issues means that it can significantly reduce the chances of having to reconstruct it. It can stand up to weather, natural disasters, erosion, and much more. It rarely needs repairs and maintenance is as simple as occasionally sealing it.
Concrete is very affordable and offers long-term savings
Not only is it affordable to purchase and install, but it is one of the most energy efficient materials that can be used in a structure. Over its life cycle, it can save a building about 20% of total construction costs if concrete is used over wood. Much of this comes from the fact that concrete has a specific thermal mass that allows it to get energy from the sun and to capture energy from equipment within the building, such as lighting fixtures.
When it is used in conjunction with active radiant heating and cooling systems, concrete can lower heating and cooling costs by at least 29% and often more. When used for framing, it can save 20% – 25% over light framing materials like wood. Other studies have shown as much as a 59% energy savings for newer concrete buildings versus older wood buildings.
Concrete is safe to use
Concrete is safe substance to use and it offers optimal security. It does not burn the way that wood does. It does not rot and it will not mildew like wood does. There are no organic components that can give off gas as if often the situation with wood. It also offers excellent air quality and prevents airborne pollutants from entering a structure, thus making it a great choice for people with allergies.
Let us help you take care of your concrete
The bottom line is that concrete is a safe, affordable, and durable building material but there are things you can do to prolong its life and ensure the best return on investment. One such thing you can do is to seal your concrete. This prevents water and other contaminants from getting into the concrete and potentially damaging it. If you want the concrete to have a more interesting finish, then staining is a great choice. Contact Fuller Concrete Staining at 310-944-9099 to find out more about your options.